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Hi honeys:) I just blogshop-ed a couple of minutes ago. Can't wait to get it! Hohoho~
Nothing 4 u baby! :)
Sissy koh went overseas, ohman. I miss her like hella I swear~
Though she is noisy, though she sits like a man, though she is squeakish, though she likes to bite me pinch me hit me kick me, but I'm attracted to her in every single way:)
I'm waiting for her to send me those pictures that we took on her birthday celebration.
I love you sweetheart, thanks so much 4 everything and sorry that I gave you a great shock.
Well just plain jealous, you know you know huh):
come back hurry call me k, no text no text ah. CALL ME! :) I will be thinking of you everyday:)
Here's our pictures from webcam:)
Overdue pictures with Family and Honeybaby tan @ Fredick's wedding dinner & church:)

Nothing 4 u baby! :)
Sissy koh went overseas, ohman. I miss her like hella I swear~
Though she is noisy, though she sits like a man, though she is squeakish, though she likes to bite me pinch me hit me kick me, but I'm attracted to her in every single way:)
I'm waiting for her to send me those pictures that we took on her birthday celebration.
I love you sweetheart, thanks so much 4 everything and sorry that I gave you a great shock.
Well just plain jealous, you know you know huh):
come back hurry call me k, no text no text ah. CALL ME! :) I will be thinking of you everyday:)
Here's our pictures from webcam:)
Overdue pictures with Family and Honeybaby tan @ Fredick's wedding dinner & church:)

6more days to 8th monthsary with my sweetiepie, happy or what:)
I'm spending every single day with him yet I never get sick of his face.
He is simply lovely and sweet:) More months to go honey? Heh.
I'm currrently webcam-ing with him, and he is nagging like one old nanny, Ohman.
time to turn in, gotta accompany him to work early @ 8am tomorrow.
I'm spending every single day with him yet I never get sick of his face.
He is simply lovely and sweet:) More months to go honey? Heh.
I'm currrently webcam-ing with him, and he is nagging like one old nanny, Ohman.
time to turn in, gotta accompany him to work early @ 8am tomorrow.
Support my blogshop honeys! Current capping is 5! Another five more to go~
Hurry send in your orders now!
One @ 14, 3 @ 40bux! Where can you find sucha great deals uh!
For more info, mail me!
Love you:-*
Hurry send in your orders now!
One @ 14, 3 @ 40bux! Where can you find sucha great deals uh!
For more info, mail me!
Love you:-*
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