say say say you love me,
Okay it's been nearly a week since I last posted so I'm now back with my reborned-dyed-concave bob hehe :)
I shall calm you guys down with my long hair photos first before I scare you guys off with the short hair me haha.
I love it tho especially the color :)
Took all these photo on last sunday when we went to iluma and caught the Narnia. It was terrific yeow 5/5 heartshapes.

After the movie we dine in at some restaurant for ice cream! Baby ate the chocolate ice cream waffle while i eat the hot chocolate cake. shiok >< 

then i send him in after dinner with his parents..

these were took on monday when i brought my grandma out for dinner with papaxmama.

say byebye to my beautiful long hair :(

I took great courage to snip it off okay. Ease me with some love hehe :3

here is my black bob before being dyed :)

my final product hehe

and after one day of not seeing him only he is back now with me webcamming haha becoz his eyes is dead swollen and I went to queenstown that day to fetch him..
I was sitting beside a babe with her ipad and a uncle with heavy sweat smell but its not that bad yet right till a bangala with super strong curry smell took up that babe's seat. Yet i could not just stood up becoz i have 8 more stops to reach my destination. Oh gosh i nearly faint..

I shall calm you guys down with my long hair photos first before I scare you guys off with the short hair me haha.
I love it tho especially the color :)
Took all these photo on last sunday when we went to iluma and caught the Narnia. It was terrific yeow 5/5 heartshapes.

then i send him in after dinner with his parents..

these were took on monday when i brought my grandma out for dinner with papaxmama.

I took great courage to snip it off okay. Ease me with some love hehe :3

my final product hehe

and after one day of not seeing him only he is back now with me webcamming haha becoz his eyes is dead swollen and I went to queenstown that day to fetch him..
I was sitting beside a babe with her ipad and a uncle with heavy sweat smell but its not that bad yet right till a bangala with super strong curry smell took up that babe's seat. Yet i could not just stood up becoz i have 8 more stops to reach my destination. Oh gosh i nearly faint..

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