Happy birthday!

Hope you love the pair of shoe I bought, and tho the bean bag is not what you want it to be but yeh, hope you love it yeow :)
You're 17 olreadi, plx grow up k! Stop throwing tantrums around yeh, kisses.
Okay so celebration @ MBS yesterday was a blast and it's goddamn beautiful.
Everything was great especially when I get to meet up my girls, @AmandaChanszx @Baoxiann after so long! :)
Will blog more 'bout it after I get my photos from JKSH and @AmandaChanszx .
I went to meet up my boy at TM today, becoz we wanted to catch the Narnia but the timing was not that perfect for us so we decided to catch it tomorrow instead :)
I just done squeezing pimples out from my face and applying the blackheads thingy + bubbly mask.

Becos only there has pimples -.-
3 pimples popped out at each side over the night _|_
I want flawless skin oh please.

It's fine if we do not cuddle as much as we first fell in love, it's fine if we ain't holding hands as we walk down the streets like couple do, but please do remember I'm still your girlfriend before you speak or comment anything. I want to spend the rest of my life with you (I really hope to) so please do not spoil any of my happily-ever-after okay. Be a good boyfriend and put in more effort/hearts/love/kisses/sincerity/sweet potions in YOU and ME, xoxo.
- I want to buy a polaroid
- I want to go uss babyyyy!
- I want to go ice skating tooo!
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